florian marending

27 Nov 2022

About this website

There are many like it, but this one is mine

Some time ago I decided to build a personal website to write about technical things I'm up to. If you're reading this, suprisingly, I followed through. Now, I'm under no delusion that the things I have to share will not be world shattering. Instead, I primarily want to write about projects to motivate myself, force a more rigorous thought process and document stuff for future reference. If the occasional internet user who happens to find their way to my little corner of the internet learns something, anything, that's just the cherry on top.

I'm generally bad at putting stuff out there due to a case of perfectionism induced procrastination. So to counteract this tendency, I'm trying to write notes and publish projects even if they are not finished yet. In this spirit, you could call this space a digital garden.

As such, notes on this website should never be considered finished. I will amend them if I see fit, rephrase if necessary or even delete them if proven not to stand the test of time. They are also published without to much regard for proof-reading and editing. If you find a typo or other issue, I'd love to hear about it via the feedback box on the bottom right of every page.

Technical setup

When contemplating the architecture of this site, the obvious (and probably sensible) choice was to use a static site generator. Static site generators take text files containing notes, typically in markdown format, and generate a static site that can easily be deployed. This approach has many advantages and a lot of tooling ready to go. However, it also limits the freedom to create custom design or functionality.

Instead, I went with a custom application built with SvelteKit. Every page on this site is built from the ground up and can thus be customized completely. To have some consistency , I hope to build up a collection of reusable components that I can put to use in any note. Take for instance the component I wrap every note with:

<article class="p-4 py-8 md:py-12 max-w-4xl mx-auto"> <slot /> </article>

These three lines define the markup and styling of a container with responsive padding and max-width behaviour. The following snippet shows the code that generates the above snippet (hold on to your seat, we're going meta):

<Code value={`<article class="p-4 py-8 md:py-12 max-w-4xl mx-auto"><slot /></article>`} />

Inside the Code component is some complexity related to code highlighting that would be unnecessary to unpack here.


The SvelteKit application is built with the static adapter. This outputs only static assets that I'm serving directly from my webserver. I use caddy as the webserver as well as a reverse proxy to route the requests to the other applications I have running.

Update July 2023

In the meantime I've ported this page to Astro. I know, I know, but rewriting a website is just excellent procrastination instead of actually writing notes.

While I largely enjoyed SvelteKit, I felt like it's not the right tool for the job. It's geared towards full stack apps, including backend apis and what have you. To just output a static site with statically generated graphs felt like going against the flow.

So I chose a more appropriate technology. Astro is built for static content and optionally allows sprinkling some interactivity into pages using its island architecture. It works really well so far.

An additional benefit is that components from any major framework can be rendered, statically at build time or on the client. This made porting extremely easy as I could use the Svelte component as is in .astro files. Gradually, I switched them over to SolidJS.